martes, 7 de agosto de 2007

Juegos Gratis: Escape from Island

Jugar Gratis Escape from Island

Escape from Island es otro divertido point-and-click del estilo "Room Escape". Esta vez con la variante que en lugar de escapar de la pieza debes hacerlo de una isla.

Al fin llegaron tus vacaciones. Ibas tu viajando en avión a Las Vegas (ya habías reservado una hermosa habitación de Hotel cerca del Casino), cuando una falla mecánica hace que te estrelles en este lugar desolado.

Definitivamente no era lo que habias pensado para tus vacaciones asi que ponte manos a la obra. Busca los objetos que están desparramados por toda la isla y con ellos ponte nuevamente en camino a Las Vegas. Después de todo te están esperando para jugar al Poker.

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2 comentarios:

Cafe_Cafe dijo...

1. Turn left and pick up fishline.
2. Turn right twice and enter cave (up arrow) to get shovel.
3. Turn left and go through tunnel to get saw.
4. Continue through tunnel and take rope.
5. Go forward and cut down tree above cat with saw to get log.
6. Turn left and take pickax.
7. Go forward and use rope on metal ring on the left.
8. Click on rope to go down cliff and get stone key.
9. Go right and retrieve bow and arrow.
10. Go back left and click on rope.
11. Go right and get the knife.
12. Go right again and cross the bridge to get tank. Also, take the bamboo rod from a tree on the right.
13. Go left twice and shoot bow and arrow at the bottom of opposite bridge. (Keep trying until you hit it.)
14. Cross bridge and pick up fishhook.
15. Click on the bamboo rod you collected earlier and drag it to the fishline and click to connect them.
16. Click on the fishing rod you have just made, then drag it onto the fishhook and click.
17. Go right and use fishing pole in the lake just below the waterfall to catch a fish.
18. Put tank under the waterfall to fill it.
19. Go left, go back, go right, go back 4 times and turn left.
20. Use water bucket on burning plane. When the fire is out, take the lighter.
21. Go right twice and go into the cave.
22. Use pickax on the back wall.
23. Collect gold flake. (Note: you don’t use it.)
24. Go back and go left.
25. Use lighter on the statue’s thumb.
26. Go forward 3 times and go left.
27. Use lighter on the statue’s thumb.
28. Go forward 3 times and give the fish to the bear.
29. Go right and use stone key on the small locked door. Go in and take ruby key.
30. Go back and use the lighter on the statue’s thumb.
31. Go left, go back and go right.
32. Cut the bear down from the tree using the knife.
33. Go left and go back and pick up the diamond key the bear left.
34. Go right twice and use the lighter on the statue’s thumb.
35. Go left and go back twice, then go right and use the pickax twice on the boulder.
36. Go in and use the ruby key on the door of the cave.
37. Go in and collect the golden staff.
38. Go back twice and go left.
39. Put the staff in the hole on the right.
40. Use the shovel on the spot where the beam of light shines and collect the purple crystal ball.
41. Go forward twice and put the log against the white rock, the click on it.
42. Put the purple crystal ball in the hole at the bottom of the purple statue.
43. Use the diamond key in the small hole that appears above it.

Unknown dijo...

Pase a saludar

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